“Keep a golden rule, if you don't want to be a fool!” So so true. This statement even thou is rhymed well, has to be a leading thought for every worker that cares about his/her life. Working for a construction company, manufacturing or industrial one, has advantages but many disadvantages too.
When taking part in difficult duty tasks, everyone must understand what the basic rules of prevention are, and more so, must obey them. Knowing and following these golden rules, workers will be able to identify dangers and to control the possible risks.
When talking about industrial type of safety it's worthy to mention that the industrial safety supplies are the number one protection that every employer has to provide for every employee, guaranteeing him safety from the very beginning to the very end.
When taking part in difficult duty tasks, everyone must understand what the basic rules of prevention are, and more so, must obey them. Knowing and following these golden rules, workers will be able to identify dangers and to control the possible risks.
When talking about industrial type of safety it's worthy to mention that the industrial safety supplies are the number one protection that every employer has to provide for every employee, guaranteeing him safety from the very beginning to the very end.
Here is a list of some basic rules to follow:
- Situations with high-risk
Always, and always pay attention when you start up or shut down equipment or installations to use the appropriate written operations procedure. If risks occur, then it is advisable to report that situation and to wait till it is properly solved. - Inside and outside traffic rules
Traffic rules apply for both, inside and outside. They are equal for all, from pedestrians, cyclists to machines and vehicles, so do not extend the speed limits. - Use the right tool
Very important rule, in order to protect yourself from physical harm, do not carry out things if you don't have the right tool in your hand. Always use the adequate device/tool for the required task. - Collective vs individual protection
Do not perform work without wearing safety supplies, either for general or specific-task assignment. Most companies prefer collective protection, because the individual one completes preventative measures already taken. - Permission issues
Before performing a task,have in mind that you should wait for the permit. So, it is better not start your work without a valid work permit first. - Stay aside!
This rule is quite important if you want to prevent yourself from bigger injuries. When a lifting process is taking place, either from crane, hoist or any other mechanical system, do not walk under. Personnel in charged of this task must be qualified and in the same time all the equipment must be in very good condition. So wait until the lifting is done, and then perform your operation. - Powered systems
Perform a work on powered systems only. Always double check if the power and product source supply has been rendered inoperative. - Restricted places
Every bigger industrial factory has restricted places, where only certain workers have an access to it. Do not enter in those spaces without a permission or supervision. Wait until atmosphere and isolation are checked.