As the third and final set of molars your wisdom teeth will most likely start to grow in your late teens or late twenties, but some people can get them later in life as well. If they are properly aligned and cause no discomfort or dental problems they can be a functional and healthy part of your oral cavity. But most of the time wisdom teeth are impacted, cause crowding in the teeth and other dental problems in which case they must be extracted. Impacted teeth cause a lot of pain because they collide with the root of the molar. They are basically trapped inside the jawbone or the soft tissue and can either partially brake through or completely erupt through the gums. When partially erupted they are more prone to infections since bacteria can easily invade the tooth and cause pain, swelling and even jaw stiffness. Because they are hard to reach due to their position inside the oral cavity, wisdom teeth are generally more prone to gum disease and tooth decay than other molars.
While impacted molars grow within the jawbone misaligned wisdom teeth can grow horizontally or may be positioned towards or away from the second molars. All this can cause great damage not just to the other teeth, but the jawbone and the nerves as well. To protect your teeth from dental problems and keep your oral health in optimum condition its best to remove the third set of molars as soon as possible. Some people get them removed before they even start to develop to avoid all the dental problems that come when they actually start to grow, while others decide to get their wisdom teeth extracted when they start to develop. Wisdom teeth removal Melbourne clinics offer effective extractions of both impacted and misaligned molars.
The procedure is usually preformed by a dentist or an oral surgeon. First an X-ray of your mouth is required so that the surgeon can clearly see the exact position of your teeth. He will also check to see if there are any infections or other dental problems that might affect the success of the procedure. Prior to removing your tooth the surgeon will numb the area by giving you a local aesthetic. In cases when two or all of your wisdom teeth are extracted than a general anaesthetic may be required. Wisdom teeth removal Melbourne dentists make use of different methods for extracting an impacted and fully erupted tooth. The method for removing a wisdom tooth that is fully erupted is easier and less invasive, while extracting impacted or partially erupted teeth is more difficult. To extract the tooth the oral surgeon will need to make an incision to open up the gum tissue that is covering the molar then to make the process a lot easier he may cut the tooth in several sections and extract it in small pieces.